Through the register of reflex and involuntary movements, practiced by athletes, it is aimed to make visible the invisible, confronting and expanding perceptions beyond the areas of comfort in which the athlete seeks to embody the perfection of an image of strength, balance, aesthetics and harmony. In seeking perfection, the athlete expresses in himself the conflict of the human condition in the perennial struggle with the ephemeral of his own existence. In their continuous self-overcoming, these athletes live a process of transformation that integrates, without the possibility of escape, the genesis of the whole birth – unimaginable dimensions of discomfort and pain in tension thresholds that anticipate and build the image of the athlete they dared to dream. It is this hidden dimension, which is intended to be captured and revealed through photography. Aren’t these expressions and movements, not premeditated and rehearsed, a substantive part in the encounter with the absolute?